One of our client called me asking for what is toughen glass and how to order it. To him I replied…
Toughen Glass is a type of safety glass now used not only for structural purposes but for home and office interiors too. A normal or basic glass is toughened by processing controlled thermal or chemical treatment to increase the glass strength. Toughen glasses are not ready to buy product. One needs to order for the same.
Procedure of ordering Toughen Glass
i. You can visit any glass dealer in your area.
ii. There you can select the thickness and mention the size of glass you want. The glass that will be shown to you will be normal basic glass only.
iii. The glass is then cut by dealer of size you want. For e.g. you wanting a glass door. Give the size of the door that you want to have. Let’s say 4’x7.5’ (wxh). We suggest you to choose 12mm thick glass for doors.
iv. If you want any design or decoration, the detailing or making holes, etc. will be done once the glass is cut.
v. This glass with design or any details is then sent for toughening. The glass is sent to factory where it is toughen through machines.
Glass is toughened at different temperatures on electrical Bhatti. The temperature at which it is toughened depends on the thickness of the glass. Glass is available in various thickness starting for 4mm to 19mm. no matter how small size glass is to be toughened, it will follow above mentioned procedure only. Here home owners shall be very sure of the glass size they want as once the glass is toughened, it cannot be cut. This is because the glass will tend to develop cracks or break if you try to cut toughened glass.
How many days does it take to get a toughen Glass?
Cutting the glass, sending it to factory for toughening, and receiving it will take 3-4 days’ time.
How much will it cost to have a Toughen Glass?
While going to buy a toughen glass, dealers will usually give the cost of toughen glass n not the normal glass. Yes you could ask the cost of basic cost for your satisfaction. Toughen glass will cost somewhere around Rs.200/- per This cost will include the glass cost, cutting the glass charges, toughening the glass and receiving it. The rates for glass keep varying depending on market conditions.
Thank you Nitin for educating.
I reside in Kakinada and wish to have toughened glass for interior use at home. Can you please help me out?
Glass should be bought from local/nearest shop :) Toughened Glass are prepared as per custom order, your contractor can place order to local shop once measurements are ready