In today’s fast paced world where things need to be instantly done in small spaces, appliances rule the kitchen. Modern kitchen are incomplete without ovens, refrigerators, blenders, hob and chimney and the kind.
New Modern Indian homes now comprises modular kitchens, the trend that has come from west. But does it include built-in-alliances? Before that
What are built-in-kitchen-appliances?
Designer – Built-in-Kitchen Appliances are appliances that are installed in kitchen as permanent element. For eg. You have refrigerator that falls under most essential item in and kitchen for which position and area is pre-decided, a built-in-hob installed on counter-top, chimney placed over the hob, built-in oven / microwave and dishwasher which is usually placed inside a cabinet. Some of these built-in appliances are placed inside the cabinets for it not be directly visible to eyes and stay functional.
What other products come under built-in-kitchen-appliance?
Designer – as I said earlier, you have refrigerator, Built-in-hob and chimney, Oven or OTG, Dishwasher and sink crusher.
What is sink crusher?
Sink crusher is a device installed just under you sink. The sink crusher crushes all your food particle into minute particles that form semi-liquid waste. The sink crusher is so powerful that it can easily crush bones too into minutest particles. Sink crusher is very commonly installed in every kitchens. It has yet to gain popularity in India. With Sink crusher you will never have wet garbage in your homes.
Indian Kitchens and Built-in-kitchen-Appliances
Ovens/ Microwave – Built –in-Ovens too is a rare thing found in Indian Kitchens whereas its an essential appliances for kitchens in west. In India Oven s are still found in chef’s homes or baker’s home or homemakers who love to bake a lot. Another reason why it is rarely seen in Indian kitchens as it occupies space which is a major issue in most Indian Kitchens.
Dishwasher – Dishwasher is very regularly used and seen in west kitchens. One will rarely find dishwasher in Indian homes. Reasons –Indian is comparatively very oily and of made of colored agents. To get rid of these tough stains and oiliness one has to pre-clean the plates before placing it in dishwasher.
Only and only ceramic or glass crockery can be washed in dishwasher. Whereas one will often find steel crockery used on daily basis. Again dishwasher proves to be impractical built-in-appliance for Indian Kitchens.
Hob and Chimney – Hob is one of the most modern adapted kitchen appliance often found in Indian homes. A built-in-Hob is a cooking stove concealed inside the kitchen platform.IT appears to be in 1 surface with kitchen counter-top. Built-in-Hobs make counter-top appear, cleaner, bigger and modern.
But one needs to be careful while having hob. Hobs cannot be washed with water like regular cooking stoves can be. Also if any food particle or staining is observed, home makers needs to immediately wipe it off with wet cloth.
Well you will usually find chimneys wherever hobs are installed. Hobs and chimneys go hand in hand. But it’s a blind practice followed by most. Experts share that Indian Home owners very much exhaust fans then chimneys. For the fact that is not known by all that chimneys help remove most food particles for kitchens, help maintain fresh clean air in kitchens while cooking which an exhaust fan cannot.
So you have only 2 built-in-appliances nor very often seen in modern kitchens i.e. built-in-hob and chimneys. Well rest are yet to gain popularity and space in Indian kitchens.
hey, a great article this set up would be quite expensive but one day I will definitely get this thanks for reminding me about my life goals.
How much will it cost to built modular kitchen with dishwasher