Give life to your luster-less walls. But how? Deciding on type and style of wall-covering for interior walls is no easy job. Very often home owners are confused between Wallpapering and Wall-Painting, options. Lets read the following to help aid your confusion.
Designer – Painting is covering a wall with use of Interior Wall paint. There are varied ways to wall painting practiced from early times like Wall murals, textured painting which have now taken form os modern techniques and designs. Whereas Wallpaper is a kind of material used to cover and decorate the interior walls of homes, offices, cafes, etc. Modern wall coverings are diverse, and what is described as wallpaper may no longer actually be made from paper.
Painting or Wallpapering for Exterior Wall?
Well now it depends for what wall you wanting to cover. Exterior wall or Interior wall. Like for exterior wall one cannot have wallpaper due to heavy weather conditions. Also the paint used to cover exterior walls are different then interior wall paints.
Modern home owners could use stone cladding concept for exterior wall as highlighter. Stone cladding again can be done for interior wall highlighters, but the material and method would be different.
Wall Painting v/s Wallpaper for Interior Walls
Coming to home interior walls. One advantage with wallpaper is that you could change the wallpaper say every 3-5 years if you want. Whereas changing a wall paint color isn’t an easy task. In such scenarios the old paint needs to be removed, the wall needs to be smoothened and then new paint is applied. It’s a minimum of 4-5 days job. Whereas wallpaper can easily be changed in a day’s time. Also if you have kids at home and happen to scratch the painted wall, or paint comes out, repair a painted wall would cost a lot and also is time consuming as I said before. Whereas if wallpaper is scratched or damaged, it could easily be changed.
Designer PITCH – Both element i.e. Wallpapering and Painting have pros and cons. Each of these have their own benefits. Let’s have a brief look over their features to help you decide better.
Frequently Asked Queries
But before we discuss that, I would like to share most asked suggestions by home owners. We are often asked, “We have a leakage problem on one of the walls, what do we do, get it painted of wallpapering is good idea?” I would suggest to firstly get all your interior walls repaired be it leakage problem or bubble issue or other alterations. Only then decide whether wallpapering or painting, and only then we can also suggest the best suitable design element.
Areas to have Wallpapers for home Interiors
For home you could have the sofa back wall or TV wall, for staircase or passage area, the bed-back wall could be wallpapered. Wallpaper shall be used as highlighter not to cover all the wall surfaces.
At the outset wallpaper were as thin as paper. But today you have wallpaper manufactured in variety of material types and thickness. Also for those who think wallpaper is cheaper than painting a wall, today you have wallpaper designs and types that turn out to be a costly affair then getting a wall painted. So don’t make decision on cost.
We also receive calls asking to have wallpapering done for entire room i.e. on all 4 walls since painting turns out to be costly and time consuming affair. Now this is a very stupid idea. The purpose of wallpaper is to highlight one of say maximum two walls which is also too much. Wallpaper is not meant to cover all walls of a room or complete room. While Paint is meant to cover complete room. You could have all walls or entire room only painted in a house. But other areas like Offices, Salons, or store that it’s a different story, one could have wallpaper done on maximum walls. But not in homes.
Wallpaper v/s Painting for Rented Apartments
For those who live in a rented house, wallpapering isn’t a good idea. Opt for distemper paint instead. You now have distemper paint that do not get rubbed on your clothing surface unlike old distemper paint that’s used to turn cloth surface white when sat against distemper painted wall. These are lox-cost paint that are usually used in rented house.
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