How much times does it take to apply Wall Paper in a home

Lets say you want to put Wall Paper on one of the wall in your home. Now the questions is how much does it take ? of-course, duration will depend on the size of your wall. Say if there's only 1 roll to be installed, then it would barely take a 1.5-2 hours. 1 roll

Things to know about Wallpaper

Wallpapers is one of the easiest and most inexpensive option used to cover and decorate the interior walls of homes, offices, and other buildings these days. They are one aspect of interior decoration. Wallpapers are usually sold in rolls and is put onto a wall using wallpaper adhesive. Wallpaper is used not only to add

Can I apply Wall Paper on a painted walls

Home owners from all over India, call & email regarding their queries about renovation. When it comes to Renovation - one common concern people have is that "Does wall paper stick on a wall with old Paint ?" So if your wall was painted few years back, now can i right-away apply wall paper

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