Lets say you want to put Wall Paper on one of the wall in your home. Now the questions is how much does it take ?
of-course, duration will depend on the size of your wall. Say if there’s only 1 roll to be installed, then it would barely take a 1.5-2 hours. 1 roll which is 55-57 sq feet. If you have a column or other design element to that wall, then it take 3-4 hrs max.
Next important to figure out is – “Does the wall needs to be finished or wallpaper is directly installed on POP (Plaster of Paris) surface?”
Well, if you getting wallpaper installed for the first time then your wall needs to be partly finished. The process is same like for painting, sanding is done to the wall and then POP surface is added to give it a smooth surface and then primer is applied. This is the base for wallpaper which is necessary. Wallpaper is then installed to the primer wall. They are never directly installed on POP surface because POP i.e Plaster of Paris absorbs water. This property of POP will not help the wallpaper stick on the wall. Whereas Primer, a solution applied to the POP wall doesn’t absorb water. This property will allow the wallpaper to stay/ stick on the wall.
In cities like Mumbai where many times homes/rooms are small – does it require to have a free open space during Wall paper application process?”
Well, Not Really. The main furniture, that is in front of the wall can stay at its place. Space required will depend on your ceiling height. For example, If your ceiling height is 10 feet, then wall paper professional will need approximate 10 feet to work. Because the roll cannot be cut from middle. Its a 10 feet continuous roll which is 21″ or 34″ wide. To install, we spread the roll on the ground, apply the adhesive n its stuck.
Play school covered by wallpaper printing…