Basic know-how on Lamination-Wood Finish

Lamination finish - the third most commonly preferred finish is also technically called as PolyResin Polish. Lamination finish delivers glossy finish. Well you could say very high glossy finish. But, its expensive of all. Reason being the chemicals used and the number of steps to polishing repeated. For lamination or polyresin finish, the entire surface

Know Everything about Melamine Polish

The most standard and preferred is Melamine matt polish. Melamine polish is not used internationally but only in India. Melamine is an organic compound that is often combined with formaldehyde to produce melamine resin, a synthetic polymer that is fire resistant and heat tolerant. The resin is a versatile material that has a highly stable

Secret of Wood Polishing Revealed

Why is Polishing necessary for wooden furniture? It’s very rare to find Natural wood furniture in today’s modern world. There are various reasons like firstly natural wood furniture are quite an expensive pieces, secondly they are high on maintenance and third you can say it space constrain. Natural wood furniture occupy real good space. Eventually

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