>Doors are not only important for securing an entrance, but also play vital role aesthetically, mainly to ensure that your homes look great. Choosing right style of doors can change the appearance of your home dramatically. Permafinish doors is one of them. They create style and add drama to you home interiors as well as at entrance.
Today, Permafinish doors are an ideal option for judicious architects and Interior Designers. Aesthetics, beauty and durability are the features that make Permafinish doors the most sell able. These Permafinish doors are manufactured by advance FRP-the pioneer. They make the most suitable FRP i.e. Fiber Reinforced Plastic doors.
The advance technology and awareness can create designs and patterns of FRP doors as per client’s requirement and home interior style. These doors not only are aesthetically appealing but also add lifetime value to homes.
• Totally maintenance free as they have a permanent weatherproof finish.
• Permafinish doors are completely waterproof and immune to termites and bores.
How Permafinish Doors are made
The internal construction of Permafinish doors is basically wooden skeleton and in-situ Polyurethane foam which is encased inside a box construction of FRP sheets with lap joints on all edges. The in-situ Polyurethane foam acts as both filler and adhesive baring incredible dimensional stability. These doors are close-edged and therefore made to exact size as per measurements.
Time taken to Make Permafinish Doors
Permafinish doors can be made in any pattern and design that best suits your home interior style. But for most unique and creative Doors, moulds are to be made. The design process of making such Permafinish doors involves manufacturing molds too. But, this is possible only in bulk orders. Making Permafinish doors require 2 months’ time period to create an aesthetic and commercially viable design.
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