Delay in Home Renovation is seen in very projects these days. Delay in renovation is caused either due to Contractor or Homeowner.
Delay in renovation work due to Homeowner is mainly because–
• Miscommunication among homeowners
• Delay in Payments
• Changes in renovation plan after completion of work
• Miscommunication with contractor. For e.g. if client is handing over old left out material to be used during renovation, then he needs to inform the contractor. If not done so the breakage or any damage’s responsibility will be of client and not contractor.
No matter how the work gets delayed from client’s side, there is no cost cutting or additional payments involved.
Consequences faced by Contractor due to delay in work
• For Home Renovation
If there is delay in renovation work due to Contractor’s accountability then he had it. Let’s say contractor says 2 months. He receives payment on timely basis and still there is delay in renovation work. In such scenario, contractors have to pay penalty as per client and his agreement. In worst case scenario client may not give the contractor full payment.
• At Corporate level
At corporate level too like for Hotels, Hospitals, Airport and any job under Government, if there is delay in renovation or construction work even by a day, contractor need to pay the penalty. Here the penalty is paid on mutual understanding basis between the two parties i.e. the client and contractor. Incase of valid reasons for delay in work with valid certification, the penalty is forgiven.
In corporate world contractor has an advantage too if he gets renovation or any construction work done sooner than said. The contractor receives an additional payment from client.
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