
About Author : Rahul Chhedha, is a Building Redevelopment Enthusiast & Advisor. You can reach him at cell# +91-9322097004. Below articles are intended for informational purposes only.

There are various reasons for delay in project. But the most frequent reason is delay due to Government permissions for various reasons like to start the work, end the work, give NOC, and many more.

On basis of our survey , the redevelopment project gets delayed due to 4 main categories- project financing, economic, natural conditions and material supply.These factors are responsible for over budgeting of redevelopment projects too.

The reasons for delay can further be classified under 9 main categories –

Delay in material supply
Shortage of material on site

Shortage of skilled and unskilled labor
Undue labor strike

Machinery / Equipment
Equipment failure or breakdown
Unskilled people operating machinery

Constant Changes
Client or home owner initiated changes
Changes needed from contractor’s side
Changes due to poor design
Foundation condition encountered on site

Fluctuations of prices
Delay in honoring payment certificates
Difficulties in assessing credits
Natural conditions or Environmental
Bad weather or undue weather changes
Unfavorable conditions on site

Delays in obtaining permits from municipality
Public holidays
Disparity between design specification and building code

Contractual relations
Legal disputes
Mis-communication between parties
Delay in instructions

Other reasons for delay
Poor site management
Improper supervision
Improper work schedule
Accidents during construction work
Improper construction methods
Under-estimation of project in terms of cost, time , complexity, etc.