Wallpapers is one of the easiest and most inexpensive option used to cover and decorate the interior walls of homes and commercial structures too. Wallpapering is one aspect of interior decoration..
Wallpaper is used not only to add color, but is also used to add art and design to rooms. With a variety of colors, textures and patterns, wallpapers adds depth and dimension to your rooms. Many a times Wallpapers are used to make small rooms look larger. They also are used to hide various other defects in the design of the room. Like, too high ceilings can be made to look lower by using wallpaper.
Area of work
Wallpapers are often used for TV wall, wall behind seating arrangement in living room. For bedrooms wallpaper is always used for the bed wall. IF bedroom is big enough to have a study area or table, then the study table wall could also be used for wallpapering.
Wallpapers are usually sold in rolls and is put onto a wall using wallpaper adhesive. One roll of wallpaper is usually 5 meter in length.The basic design wallpaper will cost around Rs. 45 per square feet. This is so basic and simple that it is not adored andfavored to be used by home owners. The range that home owners would usually prefer starts from Rs.130 per square meter.
Durability and Maintenance
With proper care and cleaning, wallpaper can last for more than 2 years’ time. One can maintain by regular dry dusting it.
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