What is Solid Surface Colour Match ?

Lately Colour match has become very popular concept in Mumbai & many other places in India amongst Solid Surface professionals. Let say you used certain colour on your wall or you made a panel with some colorful laminate. Now you have some particular colour from wall or from this laminate which you want match. You

What are different types of Solid Surface ?

Solid surface materials usually referred as Corian in India can be categories in 2-3 different ways. Popular way to differentiate is "where Solid Surface was made" & "making process" Solid surface widely sold in Indian market are either made in Korea or china or India. There are other countries making but I believe they are

Difference between Acrylic Solid Surface & Polyester Solid Surface

Acrylic Solid Surface is more superior then Polyester Solid Surface. Acrylic Solid surface material is preferred where water & food will get in contact. Where demand for Hygiene is really high. Polyester is just a Replica of Acrylic. It looks & feels like Acrylic Solid surface, but it isn't. Polyster Solid Surface is a very

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