We receive many calls asking for the cost of bathroom repair. I happen to meet two of my friends, one and Interior designer and a contractor the other day. This time surprisingly each of them has similar ideas on bathroom repair cost. This is what they shared…
A Contractor friend of mine shared…
For a standard size bathroom, the cost of repair goes upto 1 to 1.25 lakhs. With Bigger bathrooms the cost of repair too increases. Here let’s talk about a basic 7’x3.5 to 4’ bathroom size. Here is a rough estimate for each sanitary ware and fitting a home owner could spend –
• A standard floor mount WC – 4,000/- to 5,000/-
• A standard Wash Basin – 2,000/-
• A Single Lever Diverter – 3,500/- to 4,000/-.
Then for tiles i.e. floor tiles, there are a variety of and finish available. But we usually suggest home owners to buy anti-skid tiles
that roughly costs around 110/- per piece. Wall tiles, approximately costs 55/- per piece. But the cost and budget for floor and wall tiles may vary with home owner’s choice of design and bathroom interiors.
Then you have other accessories like pipes, water cork, master valve outside bathroom, etc. for which an home owner approximately can end up spending 15,000/- to 17,000/-. Here the cost mentioned includes labor charges too.
An Interior Designer friend of mine shared…
For a standard size bathroom, the cost of repair goes around 1 lakh. This will include fittings and basic features like a diverter, a WC, Wash basin and tiles, pipes etc. Fittings will diverter, WC and wash basin will roughly cost 50-60 thousand depending on which branded fittings home owner buys. Rest 40-50 lakh includes other material like tiles, cement, etc.
These are just rough estimates to help home owners plan a budget for bathroom repair work. The final cost will vary with brand on sanitary ware and design and style of tiles chosen. To get and exact bathroom repair cost in detail, home owners can feel free to contact contractorbhai.com anytime.
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