Formerly plywood was a priced commodity and there were very few high quality brands available on the market. There were no compromises made on the material or in the manufacturing process. However, today with the increasing demand, there has been a proliferation of substandard plywood suppliers entering the market.
Therefore, we suggest all our clients, and homeowners, to be aware of different grades of plywood and educate themselves on the best plywood brands in India. Also, homeowners should have basic knowledge on the types of plywood used in various areas to avoid cheating by the vendors and suppliers.
Know your product material before buying
Let’s say a homeowner asks for Marine plywood and is unaware of its quality and appearance. An unscrupulous shopkeeper will hand over commercial plywood in the name of Marine plywood. Not only that, he would also quote the standard plywood at double the price at the price of marine plywood. This is where homeowners are cheated in three ways. Firstly, they get a plywood type which they don’t want and it can decay or get ruined at a faster rate. Home owners will either throw away the product, or have to purchase a new one. Secondly, they are paying double the price for standard plywood; thirdly, the cost involved in remaking the product can get quite expensive.
So, it is important for every homeowner to have basic know-how about the plywood types and grades to avoid being cheated.
What are the different plywood grades?
Today plywood is not made from 2-3 different types of veneer species, but a variety of them like Gurjan, Maple, Cherry, Rubber, Mahogany and so on. You also have an alternate or combination of two veneer plywood. With the introduction of such a variety of grades and brands in plywood, many times even professionals in the same field get confused while buying.
These days low quality plywood is given a finish or color similar to that of a higher grade plywood. This makes it all the more difficult for not only home owners but also professionals to recognize the quality or grade of plywood, as well. There are commercial plywoods that are available without dipping, marine plywood, plywood’s with dipping, etc. If the commercial plywood is undergoing dipping then it becomes difficult to know the actual grade and quality of plywood. Dipping plywood is a process used to colour the plywood.
Compromises made by dealers
Many times a brand offers schemes and discounts that home owners may not be aware of. Here unethical dealers may sell plywood at the original cost to skim the margins. They may also resort to mis-selling customers lower grade plywood, taking advantage of the lack of awareness in the market. Iif the carpenter starts working on plywood immediately, it gets even more difficult to know the grade of plywood that is handed over. Therefore it’s very essential for home owners to learn the basics of identifying the different grades of plywood.
Percentage of cheating in market
It is estimated that only 30% of homeowners receive a grade of plywood they actually want. Most times, the homeowner gets cheated with the grade or with the type of plywood he wants. If at all a homeowner receives a grade of plywood he wants, he gets cheated on with the cost. He would end up paying double the price as they are not aware of market rates.
Identifying the best quality plywood for your home
When looking for the best plywood types in India, you must be smart and aware of the different brands and variants that are available in the market. There has always been a myth that plywood that is manufactured by top brands will always be of the best quality, but that’s not always true. The turnover of these brands is quite high, which means the manufacturing process is not done in-house. Usually, companies will outsource their plywood needs to countries like China, which compromises the quality as well. In the end, if you can’t trust the top brands then how can you identify the best plywood in India?
Steps you can follow to choose top quality plywood
Decide on the location of construction:
You must consider the location you want to renovate. For instance, if you want to build a bathroom door then you will have to go for water-resistant plywood, and if you’re looking for plywood for a kitchen table then it should be moisture and fire-resistant. You must determine the location and then look at the various plywood grades in India (Commercial, BWP, BWR), to select the right grade for your use case. If there is no proper research before choosing plywood, then the results can be disastrous.
Durability or appearance:
How to choose plywood? Well, if you’ve been pondering that question, some variants are known for their durability, while others are known for their stylish appearance. If you want to go for plywood that lasts way longer, but may not look as good as their ‘polished’ counterparts, then you will have to set aside a budget on staining and painting them before use.
Selecting the right grade:
When it comes to choosing the perfect plywood grades in India, look at the type of construction work. Heavy-duty construction work will need tough plywood that can withstand wear and tear. This plywood can be used for panels, kitchen tables, and so on. If you want material for objects that face light usage then you can invest in affordable plywood that will be used for partitioning a room or as the interiors of the cabinet. Either way, you will have to choose plywood that will give you optimum results and last for a long time as well.
Opt for hardwood plywood:
When selecting the best plywood for home furniture, ensure that you look at labels that say the product is 100 percent plywood. This will indicate that the wood comes from deciduous trees, which means that they will last for many years (if cared for properly). When you invest in this wood, you will save money in the long run because of the quality.
Look out for the ISI mark:
If you want to ensure longevity and good quality of constructed objects then ensure that you invest in plywood that has the ISI mark.
Select low emission plywood:
When choosing plywood types in India, ensure that you go for eco-friendly plywood. This way you will do your part in preserving nature while investing in a high-quality product.
Look for non-stained plywood:
Stained plywood may have some imperfections in the grains, and you may not notice them because they are hidden by said stains. So, if you want the best quality plywood, invest in unstained material and have it stained just before construction. This method is great because it will help you get the perfect stain which will match your home décor perfectly.
Do a touch test:
Some of the ways you can check the external quality are-
- Check if the plywood is smooth and that it doesn’t have any bumps
- All the four corners of the plywood should not have any thickness variations
- Check the weight of the plywood by lifting it on one side, heavyweight plywood will always have more density.
- Knock on the center of the plywood because this will help you know whether the material is hollow. If it’s not hollow then you will hear similar sounds on all parts of the plywood.
Ask for a sample:
When you take a sample of the plywood you want, you get to check whether it’s a full panel or full core. The wood core that is used can be identified from the sample piece, you can also see the quality by checking the nail holding ability of the plywood.
Different Plywood Types in India
Softwood is a popular plywood variant wherein manufacturers make use of redwood, pine, and cedar. Even though the name may imply that the wood is not strong, construction workers prefer using softwood is used for exterior frame sheathing, sub flooring, and roof sheathing.
Hardwood plywood includes three to seven layers and it uses woods like birch, oak, maple, and walnut. Manufacturers will combine layers of wood, at right angles, to one another and this will create a strong finish. This plywood variant is great for furniture, sporting equipment, musical instruments, and packing cases.
Exterior plywood is weather and water resistant, and the glue holds the veneer together as well. When homeowners create an exterior with plywood, their biggest concern is that the wood should be able to handle wind, rain, and other weather elements. Which is why exterior plywood is perfect, it fights external elements while providing a sturdy and strong frame, in the long run.
Entrust a Professional
Usually, unless you understand and can differentiate between the different kinds of Plywood grades, it becomes impossible to source the best quality plywood for your home. We at Contractorbhai make the decision easy for you by providing access to top quality plywood vendors from our vetted and verified list. We also provide the service bundled with our Interior Design services.
Interested in Home Renovation? – Set up an interior design consultation . Contact us Now!
Comment…we want to know ‘how will select excellent plywood for modular kitchen purposes
For modular furniture – plywood is always calibrated plywood. Kitchen & bathroom modular should be in Marine ply & rest of the modular furniture can be commercial ply. However strictly you need calibrated ply. Modular furniture are made using high tech machines which do not work with regular(non calibrated plywood). When you are going for modular furniture, you don’t really have to worry too much about ply selection, the factory which makes modular furniture has regular supply of good quality calibrated plywood.
Better between garjan face and ocoma face
Which is best
Does your plywood Aloha have ISI certification?
IS 710 for waterproof ( marine) ply & IS 303 (MR hardwood) PLY
Is aloha plywood made from gurjan veneers?
Face is Gurjan. Whole plywood is not
Hi,the material we are using is ‘Gurjan’ but on some plywood it is written as “GARJAN”.Is carpenter cheating us?
Garjan, Garjun, Garjan like strength, Garjan face, Gurjan power… there 1000 such terms used on plywood. Buy from reputed shop. Make sure shop owner gives you assurance about quality
My carpenter is telling me to use pinewood ply. He says it’s cheap and strong. Other alternates he is telling is Garjan and brands like century or green. What should I do
Go with what your carpenter says, just make sure it is bought from good reliable shop. Try to get a word on quality from shop owner as well.
My kitchen cabinets and drawers emit a strong or pungent odour that makes my head ache and irritation under nose. Is this safe? How long this smell usually lasts? The carpenter says its a water proof ply some lucky star brand he is saying.
Smell usually lasts couple of days. Keep doors & windows open as much as possible. It should go away.
I want expert opinion and feedback on Abosulte Brand BWR ply boards
Is gurujan plywood is a good brand.
garjan plywood is not a brand. Garjan is type of plant(imported species). When plywood is made using raw material from garjan logs, it is called garjan plywood. If you buy a genuine garjan plywood then it is definitely superior.
Kindly share the good and geniun company name which provided Gurjan Plywood . any other ply suggested for furniture like wardrobe…. bed ?
What is quality difference in Greenply and gurjan 710 plywood for home interiors
what type of ply should i use in bedrom
commercial – MR grade or Alternate
Hi contractor bhai,
Is garjan plywood IS303 a more than acceptable plywood for commercial work?
There are all sorts of combinations available. So never assume any terms. Clarify things. Ask what is IS Grade, what is species of wood, is it bwp bwr or etc. Ask if gurjan means only face of the plywood or complete plywood is gurjan.
Hi sir my carpenter told he will use dt club gurjan for my house interior..I seen many boards are dt club but for bedrooms he used tb ply written on it…just had a doubt whether is he cheating us?
You have to work closely with your carpenter. Also check with shop which is supplying Plywood. Make both (carpenter & shop) responsible for quality. Do not go by what is printed on plywood. It is very challenging to know quality of plywood. If home owner has squeezed billing a lot, carpenter will make a point to compromise on ply quality. Work with carpenter and ask him to assure quality material. Printing on plywood are misleading. “Gurjan like strength” “Gurjan strength” “Gurjan ply” – sometimes all these can mean just single top layer of gurjan, rest of plywood made up of different material. When it comes to plywood, work with carpenter closely. Neither your contractor nor your interior designer or architect can 100% know plywood. Contractors & Designers will tell you they understand plywood, but in most cases they dont.
Need ply for my modular kitchen which u suggest marine or semi waterproof
two types of aterproof ply available in market BWP & BWR. Either is fine. If budget is super tight, go with alternate ply, sincei n modular all sides will be covered with laminate & edge bendings
My budget is on lowerside to make home furniture.
Let me know what brand ply or other wood or commercial ply timber should have use in kitchen trolley, crockery and sink door and suggest ply to make bed loft where water
Should not there
brand doesnt matter. if budget no concern go for popular brands. Buy from reliable shop. waterproof ply for kitchen & bathroom. Commercial ply for all other rooms.
what is the sqr feet price of kitchen drawers and slaves cabinates?
Is Gurjan club 710 grade is good for home interior work.
any plywood that is 710 grade is, high quality waterpoof plywood
If it is made up of Gurjan it is even better.
Usually just face film is gurjan, rest of the plywood is not. Still if ply is truly 710, it is extremely good.
This site has too much of an information one after the other.
Kindly provide one grid specifying types of plywoods Available and best place to use.
It would really simplify the process of decision making.
Hello Dheeraj Batra sir
Thank you for suggestion we will definitely work on these lines.
Thanks for suggestion
Is there any plywood brand called vintage plywood.?
There are 1000s of Indian plywood brand, no we have never heard vintage brand.
I am going to buy ply wood. The shopkeeper suggested me to go for Hillwood ply(BWP grade) for all instead of Century ply. Is it okay to go for it.
Hi Contract Bhai,
Good Information. I appreciate you comments.
I am planning to have modular kitchen for my home. Which Ply do you recommend and why do you recommend this?
I know marine plywood would better suited for Kitchen. Do we have different ply materials as well in Marine ply?
marine ply = waterproof ply. there are two major types of waterproof plywood – BWP (Boiling waterproof) & BWR ( Boiling wate resistant) – both are good option. BWP costlier then BWR
Is IS 1659 MR grade Board water resistant ?
Is it commercial Board ?
on quick search it looks like blockboard material. I have no idea about specifications, you can google and read all details.
Can you suggest few good brand for plywood? Dealer showed me Aliza, Franklin and Steak Gold. Which one is better.
Prashant ji, there are 100s of plywood brands in each city, very difficult to talk about quality. Please go with a trusted contractor or buy it from a reliable/reputed store. Buying quality plywood for right price is very challenging.
Does gurjan plywood also come in commercial and BWF type
Gurjan is species of a imported tree(does not grow in India). Gurjan is used to make high quality Commercial and waterproof plywood(BWR or BWP). SO yes Gurjan plywood can be commercial or BWP/BWR. Prices are higher compared to other types of plywood. Many plywood brands just use face(topmost skin) of Gurjan and claim that whole plywood is gurjan, please verify that part. If someone is offering 100% gurjan for a very reasonable price, chances are it is not Gurjan.
Can you share the brand name of the company which provided the 100% gurjan Ply….?
Very rare to find plywood which is truly 100% Gurjan. Also to be honest, you really dont need 100% gurjan. It’s just mot species of tree important, but in addition making and other raw material & standards. Our only point to explain to home owners is dont over-pay or get fooled when someone tries to sell you 100% Gurjan, becasue in reality it is not. If budget isn ot concern go for costly branded plywood which is BWP or BWR
Whwre Can I get plywood dealers in new MUMBAI
Is gurjan play IS 303 a good quality ply for commercial work
There are all sorts of combinations available. So never assume any terms. Clarify things. Ask what is IS Grade, what is species of wood, is it bwp bwr or etc. Ask if gurjan means only face of the plywood or complete plywood is gurjan.
Is hilwood ply is best or suggest best brand for home furniture
Manish ji, we are not aware of mentioned plywood brand. There are 100s of brands in each city. Very difficult to compare. Please take help from a trustworthy contractor or buy it from a reputed/reliable plywood shop.
Please suggest a suitable shop and brand of bwp gurjan ply to buy in Hyderabad.
Any suggestions for a reputable plywood supplier in Pune?
We supply Aloha ply in Pune
Hi, i have purchased Centurion Brand MR grade commercial IS 303 grade plywood for my interriors, is this a good brand, can you please advise ?
any brand MR grade commercial plywood (303) is good for Interior work, provided it is of quality as claimed. Kitchen we generally suggest waterproof plywood, however if budget doesn’t allow, MR Grade mat be used.
Hi I want Aloha Plywood to get my interiors done in Hyderabad. IS 710 for waterproof ( marine).My uncle has his own interior factory in Vishakapatnam. Do you deliver plywood to Vishakapatnam? Before delivering can i get a chance to feel and guage the quality product in Hyderabad? Await your reply.
I want the details of aloha plywood with price and please let me know, whether you can deliver the product to bangalore. I want to go with BWP for kitchen and Bathroom and Commercial MR in all other means. If you don’t deliver in Bangalore, could you suggest me a good brand in Bangalore with 100% Gurjan material.
Request you to please Call +91-9920744305 and talk to our Plywood incharge. Thanks
Can you pls recommend some brand hame for 100% Gurjan Ply which is BWP grade? Many thanks.
soem of the top plywood brands will have this option. Few good shops will have these options too in not so popular brand. Be aware of terms like “100% Gurjan strength” “Gurjan Like 100%” “W00 Gurjan Face” etc. These are kind of false claims & these are not 100% Gurjan.
Hello Contractorbhai,
We are furnishing our 3 bhk flat. My Interior designer is suggesting me to use Markwood brand ply which says 100% Gurjan Face Veneer.
Also, he says it is also not essential to use marine ply for the kitchen.
What are your views on this??
100% Gurjan Face = top most layer of ply is gurjan, not whole ply is gurjan
Lot of people use non-waterproof plywood in kitchen, their logic is, since iti covered by laminate from all side, there is no need for it. At-least your contractor is honest & informing you that he plans to use non-waterproof plywood. This decision should be mainly based on budget. If your budget doesnt allow waterproof plywood then go with non-waterproof. If you have budget = use waterproof in kitchen & bathroom.
I was Planning to get my interiors done for my house. The carpenter is saying he would use greenply. And now he is saying greenwood ply. Is greenwood from greenply? If yes, how is the quality of the plywood?
there are more then 1000 brands only in Mumbai, all across india there could be 10s of 1000. Greenwood is not Greenply. And i have no idea about it. it could be good , it could ok, check with other local shops.
My interior said he will give garjan ply in all places and inn shutter he will use HDF can i go fot it ?Id HDF is good ??
Hi Bhai,
Is marineply BWP(strength of gurjan) is ok for to use for kitchen and wardrobes.
waterproof plywood – BWP grade is best option.
Strenth of Gurjan = it is not gurjan
Pleasee tell us the name of a brand and its product which is available in pan india. and also tell ho we can recognise that the ply is genuine or not! You have only told the ideas by which supplier may cheat! where is the basic knowledge!
branded ones are reliable but are costly because they spend lot in promoting. Other way to find good quality is to go with shop which is in business for long time and had good reputation. Having said all, it is very challenging to identity quality because of reasons mentioned in post.
The best way to check BWP / BWR is put the plywood piece in pressure cooker with 7 whistle. If cores are not divided then it’s original BWP cost around 130+ per sft. If splitting 2-3 pieces then some what ok. if all cores splitted then worst not waterproff.All local brand shops are just cheating customers with color dip and brand paint on top with ISI number etc..
Do you have some idea regarding Red Hill ply?
My designer has suggested me Red Hill ply for all my home furniture. Could you please suggest if it is worth spending on red Hill ply for furniture.
We are unable to give any details about this brand. THere are 1000s of plywood brands in India, very difficult to know details.
Hi Somya, I am going to do furniture for my home, Did you used this Red Hill ply? My designer is suggesting the same. Are you from Pune?
Hi Prateek,
I’m from Pune and my designer has also suggested Red Hill alternate ply, can you please confirm if your work has started and how is the ply quality.
Is Magnus calibrated MR plywood is good?
calibrated plywood is required only for machines which are making modular furniture. Calibrated plywood is always bought by Modular furniture factories not by home owners. For all plywood required for carpentry work by carpenter there is no need for calibrated plywood.
Hi ..
Read all the info provided on this website ..really v handy …
Need to build wardrobes but in chandigarh where I reside ..there is a lot of termite issue n there is water seepage too carpenter is suggesting that we go in for Eskon 19 mm plywood ..710 grade ..on all three sides ..but before that he ll paste sunmica on all the three d sides other than the facade ..will this make the wardrobes waterproof n termite proof the plywood mentioned above of good quality ..kindly advice at the earliest
Thanks a lot
Sir I want to buy plywood for my home. Shop owner suggested Taj & spectra gold is good. This brand is better than century Ply he told. Could you please advise this brand is good
Never heard of these brands, there 1000s of brands, impossible to know if quality will be consistent. Go with a shop which is in business for very long time and good business reputation
Sir is fortune gold brand good for kitchen? IS910
My kitchen wall the other side is bathroom . So I would like u to help me in choosing the right plywood
We are not aware of this brand, any plywood used inside kitchen and bathroom should waterproof plywood.
Is Garjan 710 Alt is ok for using interiors? As my interior told me that he is using Gurjan 710 Alt.
Could you please help me with this? Whether it is other than Commercial, BWP , BWR or any of these grades?
Name is misleading – “Garjan Alt”. Probably plywood is made up of alternate type(Poplar & Eucalyptus) with just top film/veneer of Garjan. 710 means the specification of making & quality. Any good quality BWR ( moisture resistant) plywood is good for Kitchen bathroom. Provided it is of good quality. BWP is more superior than BWR. BWP is more costlier than BWR. “Garjan 710 Alt” the way you are mentioning, I would not give lot of importance to this label, because it sounds more like marketing gimmick. Just make sure with yoru contractor that plywood is good quality. If possible visit store which is supplying. Keep shop keeper in loop & responsible for quality.
How is trimax MR plywood with full core and 100% gurjan face plywood for waddrobe and bed. This cost is 75 rupees per square as per shop told and one more plywood he suggested , that is gurjan bas plywood which better quality than this trimax plywood which cost is 85 rupees square feet. Please suggest which is best in mid range.
Pravin ji, we are not aware of the brand name. It is very difficult for anyone to tell you about quality of brand without actually seeing the sheet of ply.
Brand like century and green ply give good quality than local companies
I have purchased Archidply Classic MR from Pune, but , the quality of material was very poor.
The layers of ply were not sandwiched properly. Now company is saying that they can not give replacement & dealer is giving
me generic semi-gurjan ply as replacement. What can be done in this case?
Can we go with Neem plywood for hall, bedrooms ?
My interior designer has asked us to go with Neem plywood for bedroom and kitchen. Waterproof neem plywood in case of kitchen. Is ot ok to go with Neem plywood? If yes, will be there any certified logo e.g. ISI for Neem Plywood too?
very difficult to comment quality for plywood , there are 1000s of brand. do business with reliable shop.
Sir which plywood can I by because I want understand or plywood make same ply by label or stamp that garjan.
Which brand full garjan made please suggest company name .
Or how much approximate cost full garjan plywood
very difficult to sugget brand name to decide quality. There are 1000s of brands in market. Buy from a reputed shop. Lot of ply come with marking like “Garjan like strength” or “100% Garjan Face” these kind of messages are to fool customers. These messages doesnt mean whole ply is garjan.
Sir,i am planned to buy plywood for my new home.Some people suggested me Greenply and sylvan.Please suggest which one is best.
Branded plywoods are always good however they are very costly. Also consider buying not popular brands but good quality available at local reputed stores. Always waterproof ply ( BWR or BWP) for kitchen & bathroom. Other area in house can use hardwood commercial or alternate commercial ply.
My carpenter suggesting to go for Neem plywood instead of other brands. He says insects problem will not be there for neem wood. Please suggest me which one to choose.
very difficult to tell you what to use. termites are tough to crack, they can eat up even concrete wall forget about neem and what not. Make sure carpenter is not pushing you in to buying plywood of his choice.
Whats your view about Ojus Gurjan 710 BWP ply …
Please comment
anything that is genuine 710 BWP is very very superior. Brand doesnt matter. Most important question you have to solve is – material you are buying is that genuine 710 BWP ?
I am planing to do interiors for my house in Mumbai.
My contractor is offering “Ply Art” “100% Gurjan face veneer” IS 303″ “BWR”
Is this a good quality plywood? he will use this for all rooms including Kitchen & Bathroom
We are not aware of the brand. 100% Gurjan Face Veneer” that’s a sign of misleading customers. It basically means only face is made of Gurjan. In reality most plywoods, face is made of gurjan veneer. With plywood very difficult to point of quality.
Is “IS 303” really “BWR”?
How can I check the quality of the ply?
birch is plant species. Plywood made using this raw material is Birch ply. These are popular for making furniture and surfaces & directly applying coating/polish. So need for Veneer or laminate, simply polish it. Birch wood gives good decor.
For a Corian kitchen top and solid wooden flooring, is a waterproof plywood base necessary? And what is the minimum thickness required for each?
all plywood used inside kitchen should be waterproof plywood.
Hello sir ,
Commercial Plywood -poplar ply & rubber wood ply which is the best
poplar better than rubber
Do you deliver plywood in Goa?
My carpenter got century 710 ply wood. It has the print on top but the wood sheets differ in color. How can I check whether the ply procured is original? Can someone from your team / any expert you suggest who could make a visit or videocall and confirm?
Sir, take a piece / sample to some reputed Plywood shop. Request them to verify sheet. Other option is find out Century tool free number and explain them situation.
How is IS 303 Neem Golden ply for wardrobe and TV cabinet? How is the quality?
Hi……I got quote from interior wherein it is mentioned use of MR grade commercial plywood with borrer proofand with ISI grade.
hello sir is centurion plywood good for wadrobes? what is the difference between century & centurion plywoods?
Is machine finishing of lamination best or hand pressing?
Century is one of the most popular plywood brand. I have no idea about Centurion.
Machine pressed Laminate always gets consistent and sleek finish. Hand pressed depends on if carpenter did very good job every single time.
can you pls share your feedback about Gurjan ply BWP ISO 710
Any plywood that is BWP 710 is extremely good. However I am unable to tell if plywood you are choosing is really BWP 710. I would always recommend buying it from reputed stores.
Hello, Could you please suggest low cost BWP 18/19 mm ply wood for Kitchen…if it can be bought directly from company website..
you have to buy locally or from ocmpanies that supply in your area regularly. Local companies will be able to give you service ( for example – at later stage you require additional 2-3 sheets , Ease of transport , such cases).
I am trying to decide between interior designers for a new apartment and trying to make a decision based also the wood materials that they’re offering. What are different kinds of woods I should expect to see in wardrobes panels, doors etc.?
Also any word on the brands archidply vs centry or greenply would be great.
Any Interior design company would use plywood according to your choice & budget. If budget is lees, they will use economic plywood, if more they will use costlier. All brands you mentioned are reputed ones, there shouldnt be any problem. Choose one that fits in your budget & your interior designer recommends.
What do u mean by Red core. Plywood
certain species of wood/trees have reddish shade. hence plywood made using such material.
Hi, due to the budget constraint I am thinking whether I can opt for interior designer or doing with my own like purchasing the materials and doing it with carpenter..what do you think..what could be price variation ..also doubt the interior designer will use the same plywood or not..
before making any assumptions, please do research & find out how much rough quotations you ar getting from contractors or interior designer. You can also consider hiring Contractorbhai Design Service, for small fees you will get complete planning & design. Using these details you can start work with any reasonable local contractor
Hello Sir,
Really appreciate for spending your precious time to reply comments.
I have few questions too and need your suggestions.
1. Which one is best for Interior works (Wardrobes/Kitchen etc) at home – On site or Factory Make.
2. If on site then Material contract or labor contract?
Pls describe in terms of Quality, Durability & Economic between On site or Factory Make.
1) modular furniture (factory made) gives consistent finish result. At home if your carpenter is very skilled you get good results.
2) carpentry department always gets lower wages compared to any other department. So carpenters will make sure they get paid correctly. It doesn’t matter what path you choose – only labour or whole deal. We always suggest that you find good carpenter & work whole deal with them. Ask them to use good material and give guaranty of work and material. If you think by giving ‘only labour’ contractor you will save money. But whoel thing depends on carpenter. What if he uses your plywoods not very efficiently, you still end up spending lot of money. if carpenter is not honest, in only-labour scenario, he will reject world’s best plywood you bring. Mek sure you buy plywood from choice of his shop.
Thanks a lot Sir for your advice.
Hello ,
Just wanted to know about this two brand Garth plywood and Novus Plywood. Which is best to go ahead with.
Impossible to say anything on basis of brand name. There are 1000s of plywood brand. Work with your carpenter, find a good reputed seller, ask for quality product.
I was checking Century plywood brand, they have sub category name Sainik. In both the categories, Century and Sainik, they are offering IS710 grade plywood. Century is Rs. 1000 costlier than Sainik for one board of 19 mm. If IS710 is the parameter, why century is costly and what is the main quality difference between century and sainik?
Raw material used, process of manufacturing, quality control.
For bedroom/living room wardrobes my interior vendor is suggesting Greenply Ecotec 710 Grade 19MM and some local brand Neem Ply 19MM 710 Grade MR ply. Latter one can save 40k to project which matters alot at this time for me. What should I do? Is local Neem Ply 710 Grade with Gurjan Inside logo is ok to go ahead if its saving 40-50k?
Please note for Kitchen he will provide Greenply Gold 710 Grade BWP Marine ply only. I am asking only for living/bedroom.
Lot of local / smaller brand plywood is value for money. However it is challenging to know quality. Buy from reliable trusted shop. Keep your carpenter and plywood shop in confidence about quality. Get their word / guarantee about quality.
which ply is best for wardrobes and can thickness of wardrobe doors be 12mm
commercial ply is sufficient. For doors Board is preferred by many to avoid bending issue.
Hi Sir, My contractor is using Gurjan Alternate Ply for Bedroom work. Is this good ply to use ?
Technically Gurjan & Alternate are to opposite types in plywood industry. Gurjan is imported wood species, most plywood companies write gurjan on their plywood. In reality there is none or maximum just top film/layersheet is of gurjan species. Alternate plywood on other hand is hybrid wood species. By Hybrid, it means these plants are grown specifically for plywood. They grow fast. In 5 years lifetime these plants are grown and used in making of plywood. Do not go by what terms are used to describe plywood quality. Ask carpenter to give guarantee of the material. Visit plywood shop, make sure it is reliable trustworthy shop.
Hi Sir, i am going with one interior , he says sarang ultra 710 grade , is it good one, kindly suggest
710 Grade in plywood means BWP. Boiling water proof. In short it means plywood so good that if boiled in water for several minutes still nothing will happen ( as per grade definition). BWP grade plywoods are extremely good & very costly. If you are getting this at quite reasonable price, there are chances its not really BWP (710). Unfortunately, most plywoods come with all sorts of things printed on it. Make sure you also talk to shop keeper and hold both of them (team & shopkeepr ) accountable for quality. Also even if it is not BWP, but fairly good quality waterproof(marine) ply, it is ok to go ahead.
Hello Sir.. Thank you for your reply.
How can we identity original 710 BWP with other similar BWPs.
All show same
True. Even experienced contractors & interior designers cannot identify it accurately every time. Hence good idea to visit shop. Make sure shop is reputed one. Make sure to get a word from seller on quality.
Hello Sir. Thank you so much. My interior person saying to buy sarang 710 BWP which is not having CML number on it. Other hand I see Novus platinum 710 BWP having CML number . which one to buy ?
Well according to you only 30% of the consumer gets genuine ply rest all are cheated….Being a plywood dealer in mumbai , I would request you to also say something about the 96 % contractors who according to the survey conducted by Times group in 2021 are fraud and cheaters….They blame shopkeepers for the poor quality of plywood …What about the payment delay by contractors ? आज देता हूं , कल देता हूं , हवेली पे आ जाना and all such cheap tantrums….To raise their margins and profit it is contractor who purchases inferior quality of material….
And blame is entirely on shopkeepers and vendors…Look at your self first..
Jay jain
Bhandup, mumbai
I apologise . Not all shopkeepers are same. Infact shops want to sell good quality material and create reputation but its circle, where contractors/carpneters try to manage projects within limited budget for various reasons(including payments issues & competition), which leads to selling of low quality material. There is demand for low quality material & thats why it gets sold. I apologise once again. There are many good shops which deal in to only good quality material and sell material as labelled.
Is mwp ply 710 a good ply to use for modular kitchen?
Hi Dear,
I planning go for my 3bhk flat interior in Manipal (Karnataaa) and consulted 2-3 interior dings companies and they quoted their quotes as well. As I mentioned my place is Manipal which COASTAL area so one is quoted with MDF AND OTHER ONE IS QUOTED FOR MARINE RATED 100 hrs PLYWOOD.
Now as far as I understood marine plywood is better than MDF AS MDF made from eucalyptus woods and have less capacity for holding nails and screw. In the mean time they telling that these MDF from Garjan so better than Marine Play IS 70.
If budget is not an issue, go with marine(waterproof) plywood. There are few MDF which have waterproof like quality but its liek taking chance, they are not time tested.
(Alternate ply) Regiment ply vs Century ply (Commercial) which is good?
Costwise there is a difference of Rs.700 per sheet, which ply would you recommend?
Thanks beforehand
Hi Sir, Can you please let me know if ply made out of neem wood is good or not
YES & NO. Ply made out of Neem or any other species can be good. A lot depends on process & other material ( mainly adhesives) used in manufacturing. You can have extremely good quality Neem Ply. Neem, rubber, poplar species of plants are used for making alternate / commercial ply because they are comparatively less costly. These are commercially grown quickly in few years with clear purpose of making plywood. Poplar plants gets sold / auctioned even before years they are cut for making plywood. Process & adhesive also play equal role in deciding quality of plywood.
Hi ContractorBhai,
our interior designer said he will use plyneer BWP 710 for kitchen and playneer MR 303 for other areas. I have enquired at local Shop, He said plyneer is a local made plywood, For Interior work Green/Century play is good. Could you suggest which one is good.
If you read this article & comments with replies, you will know the answer. If Brand is not very known, buy it fro, reputed store. SOem ply shop which is in busines for more than 10-15 years. Take shopkeepers assurance.
Hello Sir,
I am getting the furniture done for my flat and got confused in play as one vendor is saying we are using commercial garjan ply in carpentry work and other vendor is saying alternate ply in modular work.
Please suggest which one is better, commercial garjan or alternate ply
commericla ply & alternate ply are one & same.. Plywood which comes with top most layer/film of Garjan, they call it Garjan ply..But in reality it is just top layer of one separate species. Both types are good for home. Make sure you buy it from reputed shop. Take assurance from Shop keeper about quality of plywood.
My carpenter given gurjan plywood 710 per sqft 700. Is it correct?