Data Cable Connection Wiring inside Home

What is DATA Cable Wiring? Is it important to have data cable provision done with electrical wiring? Data Cable wiring is cable wiring done for cable purpose, electrical appliances like TV, telephone, etc. The socket for data cables is given along with the switch board for lights and fans and other electrical purpose switches. I

What is Electrical Looping? Is it Safe ?

Electrical looping is loop/loops created between two light with 1 single wire connected to multiple fittings. Usually looping is done for neutral wire. Neutral wire is a return wire for the current in an electrical circuit. That is it carries electricity from the output device back to the service panel/board. As neutral wire carries charge

Types of Electrical Wire used in Homes

Homes are wired with different types of wire like basic wire, Cable wire, Telephone wire, TV wire and accessories & home networking wires. Each type of wiring has its specific use to house the load and conditions it is exposed to. For commercial and outdoor purposes, wiring id very different and mainly heavy duty wires.

Yellow Lights or White lights – Where to have them in your Homes

Lightening a room/apartment is one of the most important and thought-provoking aspect for decorating homes. Deciding on furniture and color shades is comparatively easy task. But to have right color lights to highlight the room/area is much more important. Knowing the difference between the color lights and it uses helps home owners job easier to

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