Usually neglected as an alternative, Glass, can be used for various purpose. PARTITION – It gets used for making partition between dinning and kitchen are. You get glass in decorative form which gives good look. Commonly used Glass in Indian homes are in 6mm, 8mm or 12mm. using a Glass for partition is very good solution as it takes up very little space when compared to making it in wood or making a wall. It hardly requires any place for partition. Aluminum partition can take up 2 inches. If we compare both the things glass partition is more convenient as it saves place & gives good look.
Some people use Glass Partition in Bathrooms to separate shower area & toilet area. Sometimes Regular glass and sometimes tuffen glass are used. It is same as toughened glass or tempered glass or safety glass. Tuffen/Toughen glass increases safety.
Hello ,
I need some help to make a decision between toughened glass and acrylic bath panels to separate the wet area in my small bathroom. The budget is tight and so need the apprx per square feet cost of each option in Mumbai along with the tentative installation charges
Acrylic sheets are always cheaper compared to toughen glass. Depending upon width price varies.