Firstly let’s understand what one way switch is. One way switch or single pole switch is a switch that any home owner usually uses for lights & fan in a room that goes on-off.

Whereas 2 way switches are switches that can turn on-off the lights, fan, etc. from 2 different locations. The wiring is done in such a way that the operation of either switch controls the light. This kind of arrangement is usually done for stairways in bungalows, big living rooms, bedrooms, etc. It can be customized as per home-owners request and comfort.

2-way switch Setup

Well some people call in a 2-way switch while technically some people call it SPDT or toggle switch. SPDT- single pole double throw means the switch has 1 common (the single pole) and 2 out (the double throw).

To do such a setup, one needs to have 2pcs of 2 ways switch which is labelled at the back side of the switch. There is also 3way switch, 4 ways switch & more. Multiple switch connection is normally used for huge areas like big auditoriums, hotels, etc.

Functioning of 2-way switch

Let’s say, for a bedroom the main switch is installed somewhere on the door wall near the door, and the 2nd switch board (for same fittings) is fixed/installed on the bedside. Here the homeowner can easily have access to lights & fan while on bed. This is quite helpful during night i.e. the home-owner will not have to go all the way to the main switch (which is far near the door) to switch on/off the light & fan.

Also if the home owner is entering the room or home in dark/night he has an easy access to lights. He doesn’t have to go across the room to switch on the lights.

Similarly, 2-way switch connection is quite helpful in stairway, long passages and big rooms.

2-way switch not for Fan Regulators. Obviously!

2-way connection feature is available only for switches, not for fan regulators. The fan regulator will be situated on the main switch board that is fixed to the nearest to doors for any room. Say you have regulators on both the switch boards of your room. The regulators may or may not on same speed point all the while.

2-way switches connection is a perfect feature to have for modern homes.