Heavily used Electrical switch in residential & commercial. Available in single mounting plate, color series & Solid metal plates.
With modular switch, it becomes easy to install & maintain. If some switch goes bad or you need to change the switch connection, all you have to do is pull covering frame, unscrew & you can easily work on individual switch as per need.
Secondly the whole kit comes well finished, your switch & the board looks like it is made up in same colour & design. Except for the thin board & switch surface, rest of the things get concealed (remember olden days Switch board – wooden box which would pop out of wall)
Can you also post a video showing how to dismantle this complete switch – i mean, the cover plate, the inner skeleton and the switch?
we do have a video in our channel which shows how modular switch can dismantles. This is purely for information purpose. Do not try doing it yourself. Have a experienced electrician take care of any repair work.
thanks for the information. However, I was hoping that the video showed how to take out the assembly which is fixed in the wall. My prime motive is to take out the cover plate, off a switch that has been completely installed in the wall.
I do agree with you that an experienced electrician should do the repair job, but the information is handy at times.
Hi, I’m aravind from Bangalore
We constructing new house I that we already done groove cutting for electric gang box for wooden type. But now I got now only few type of modular switches like in gm and hi fi switches are available but not in anchot6 and legrand. Pls suggest what to do if I want to go anchor switches
There are several switch brands in market. You can go ahead any other brand which you like. Switches & electrical products are made by company with high tech machines & pass quality checks.
Can we use anchor roma modules in legrand britzy frames ? Are they compatible with each other ?
Never heard of anyone doing it, if this your own house and yuou already have this parts & they fit with each other go for it… If you are contractor & trying to do this at soem client site, please dont do it..It will spoil your reputation..