Interior Designing involves different part and areas of Home. For example flooring, Wall Tiles, Fixtures, Painting, Doors, Windows, Ceiling. Irrespective of whether it is 1 BHK (one Bedroom Hall Kitchen) or 2 BHK (two Bedroom Hall Kitchen ) list of items remain same.
Lot of Home Owners are not able to decide whether to hire Interior Designer. Recently one Home Owner called me on ContractorBhai number and said – “Mine is very small 1 BHK home, I am not sure if I should really hire Interior Designer”. In response I explained him that if he is clear about what work he wants to get done then you dont need Interior Designer. However if you need more creative ideas, you should think of hiring Designer. More smaller the home more important it becomes to optimize the space. Architects bring in more holistic views then Interior Designers.
Experienced person can give you ideas about best utilization of space. Where should door go where should window be placed. Many such thing they will point out. Problems which you will face over years due to poor utilisation of space, they can pinpoint well in advance.

Space Saving Floor Plan for 1 BHK
People look at initial cost of fees that you have to pay for hiring Designer of Architect – but there are chances that it will prove its value over period of time.
[updated on 5-Mar-2023 by Nitin, founder of]
When you do home interior work, you buy a lot of new materials, products & appliances. Many of these items are branded & these companies would give you some type of warranty.
Below are some random points related to warranty which you can be aware of while you are in the process of buying these items..
Warranty Card
If you are given a bill/receipt or warranty card, it is important that you keep them saved somewhere. It should be easy to find when need arises.
Common items which come with Warranty
Lights, switches, kitchen appliances, fire retardant plywood, fire retardant doors. Electrical items. Other than this almost all branded products meet some level or standard. For example plywood is water resistant, and should be ok when it comes in touch with moisture. Plywood that is termite resistant, should survive termite attack.
Very important that you use a solution/treatment that solves what it claims. Big branded companies will give warranty. If the service provider is providing a warranty, it will be the responsibility of the service provider to take care of any future issues.
Wall Paint / Wallpaper
Service providers or paint manufacturers might provide some warranty.
Wall paper company gives warranty that if wall covering gets damaged or fades, company will replace it. This does not include damage because of your seepage in your wall or some physical damage.
Bathroom faucets / Bathroom Fittings
Branded faucets & bathroom fittings come with some level of warranty. Shop where you bought these fittings from will help you to connect with the company support team.
Too Good to be true
If you come across a warranty that is more than what you would expect, chances are there is some missing information there. Either it is a false promise or there are many hidden conditions.
We came across one bathroom fittings company which sold faucets & shower heads with lifetime warranty. Now the truth was, they were selling cheap products costing them 100 rupees for 1000 rupees. Thai is how they were ready to provide lifetime replacement warranty. We are not even sure if that company is still in business.
LED Lights
LED lights tend to go bad in a few years. Shopkeeper who is selling you lights either signs light with marker pen with date on it. This way if light goes bad within 2 years or 1 year, they will replace it with a new one.
Laminates & Tiles

Tiles Selection Home Interior design
Do not carry any significant warranty. However, the shopkeeper guarantees that products will reach the site in good condition. If damage occurs while in transport or unloading, the shopkeeper or dealer will replace it with a new one.
Branded hardware companies provide a good level of support & warranty. Many costly hardware fittings come with a 10 year warranty.
Tiles shade variation / surface issues
If you received some box of tiles which have shade variation or tile surface/corners is not even – shopkeeper will get it replaced.
At times even branded companies do not replace tiles in case of shade variations. They say it was part of a design concept.
Modular Furniture
Service provider gives service warranty that if something goes wrong, service will be free. But you have to pay for new hardware.
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