Getting the best of Veneers in Mumbai

What are Veneers??? Veneer are the finest expression of wood. Veneers are actually thin slices of wood (thinner than 3mm) that are typically glued to onto core panels like wood, MDF or particle board to produce flat panels such as doors, tops and panels for cabinets, wooden floors and parts of furniture. There are many

Corian Countertops vs Granite Countertop for Kitchen Platform

There are 2 different groups of professionals within Home Renovation industry, one group that thinks granite is best material for Kitchen platform Countertops & another that thinks Granite is good but Corian Kitchen Countertops are better. One thing we agree more then anything is that in market there were many solid surface fabricators who did

What is Solid Surface Colour Match ?

Lately Colour match has become very popular concept in Mumbai & many other places in India amongst Solid Surface professionals. Let say you used certain colour on your wall or you made a panel with some colorful laminate. Now you have some particular colour from wall or from this laminate which you want match. You

What are different types of Solid Surface ?

Solid surface materials usually referred as Corian in India can be categories in 2-3 different ways. Popular way to differentiate is "where Solid Surface was made" & "making process" Solid surface widely sold in Indian market are either made in Korea or china or India. There are other countries making but I believe they are

Difference between Acrylic Solid Surface & Polyester Solid Surface

Acrylic Solid Surface is more superior then Polyester Solid Surface. Acrylic Solid surface material is preferred where water & food will get in contact. Where demand for Hygiene is really high. Polyester is just a Replica of Acrylic. It looks & feels like Acrylic Solid surface, but it isn't. Polyster Solid Surface is a very

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