Yellow Lights or White lights – Where to have them in your Homes

Lightening a room/apartment is one of the most important and thought-provoking aspect for decorating homes. Deciding on furniture and color shades is comparatively easy task. But to have right color lights to highlight the room/area is much more important. Knowing the difference between the color lights and it uses helps home owners job easier to

Cost of Adding New Electrical Point in Your Home

Adding switch points is a task once concealed wiring is done. We recently got asked by a Home Owner from Pune following questions: "There’s concealed wiring done for my 1BHK apartment in Pune. I want to have an additional switch points in each room, can is be easily done?" It’s a difficult task to add

What is Electrical Wire Color Coding

This article is available in Hindi, Marathi & Gujarati languages. Electrical wires follow standard color coding that helps classify each wire function in the circuit. In India wires are RGB mode i.e. Red- Green- Black. Each of these RGB wire have different functions. Red - Red wire signifies the phase in electric circuit. It is

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