Home Ceiling Lights India

Ceiling lights not only lighten your room but also add style too. There is a wide range of fancy fittings for ceiling lights, like- Spot lights, Pendant lights, flush ceiling lamps and many more to choose from. There are few home owners who ask for concealed tube lights for ceiling. But let me tell you

Does Your Home Electrician understand Electrical Grounding

Grounding is technical word to earthing. Earthing/grounding is done so that the excess charge (be it positive or negative) flows to the ground. Once earthing/grounding is done, the excess charge is balanced by transfer of electrons between the charged object and ground/ earth. If there’s grounding done in society a home-owner will not receive shock

Electrical Wiring & How power gets ditributed inside House

In modern homes, the Electrical wiring & its distribution done is all concealed either in the walls or false ceiling. False ceiling is a new trend preferred by most builders and home owners who are renovating their homes. If you see the old method of wiring, one could easily make out the wiring distribution done

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